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Show incidents from To    Date: 22/02/2025Saturday 22nd February, 17:10 pm – A 911 call was received from a member of the public observing a capsized boat in Great Sound off Scaur Hill. The reporting source advised that there were two people in the water and helpfully agreed to remain on scene to monitor the situation. Coast Guard were tasked and were quickly on scene, the two people were recovered from the water and the boat was towed to the owners dock a short distance away. An ambulance was required as one of the recovered crew had suffered deep cuts to the feet during the incident.Date: 21/02/2025Friday 21st February, 5:10am – RCC Bermuda received a call from New York Air Traffic Control advising a 747-cargo aircraft enroute from Miami to Amsterdam was diverting to Bermuda to land due to electrical issues onboard. Bermuda Radio conference called Police COMOPS and Fire dispatch before group messaging required personnel. The aircraft safely landed at 5:45.Date: 17/02/2025Monday 17th February, 5:20 am – RCC Norfolk contacted RCC Bermuda regarding the RO/RO container vessel GRANDE CONGO which had suffered cargo shift and a subsequent fire. The ship was on passage between Spain and Baltimore, U.S.A., in a position over 900 Miles to the east of Bermuda and although in very early stages of the incident the ship may divert to Bermuda. RCC Bermuda carried out coordination between the Bermuda Fire Service, Marine and Ports, Bermuda Shipping and Maritime Authority (BSMA) and the shipping company for the remainder of the day. On the morning of Tuesday 18th February, the vessel confirmed they would not call to Bermuda and intended to continue on passage to Baltimore.Date: 14/02/2025Friday 14th February, 10:00 pm – RCC Bermuda received an SSAS security alert from the Bermuda registered LNG Tanker, LNG BONNEY II. The ship was in a position a few hundred miles off West Africa. RCC Bermuda had difficulty contacting the Company Security Officer and contacts at Bermuda Shipping and Maritime Authority (BSMA) were used to provide alternative contact details for the ship. Shortly after the Company Security Officer was able to confirm the alert was false.Date: 12/02/2025Wednesday 12th February 9:20 pm – The Pompano Beach Club contacted RCC Bermuda as a guest reported a flare sighting to hotel staff. The Duty Officer spoke directly with the hotel guest who reported seeing two red flares. The Coast Guard were dispatched to investigate while a watch for further flares was maintained, there were no vessels detected by RADAR but a small vessel was observed in the area using the Alton Hill Thermal Camera. The small vessel got underway before the Coast Guard were able to rendezvous with it, Coast Guard remained on scene, no further information was received and Coast Guard returned to base shortly before midnight.Date: 09/02/2025Sunday 9th February 9:10 pm – RCC Bermuda received a Satellite telephone call from the captain of the Korean registered heavy lift ship, SUN RISE. in a position 300 miles east of Bermuda, the ship was on passage from Norfolk Virginia to Denmark and had turned around in order to divert to Bermuda to disembark a crew member for medical treatment ashore. RCC Bermuda coordinated with all concerned parties regarding the incident, on the morning of Tuesday 11th February the patient was transferred to the Pilot Boat St David at the Sea Buoy and transferred to an ambulance waiting at Ordnance Island.Date: 05/02/2025Wednesday 29th January, 2:00 pm – RCC Bermuda is contacted by the local agent acting on behalf of the P&O passenger ship VENTURA. The ship on passage from Port Canaveral, Florida to the Azores has diverted to Bermuda to disembark a passenger who needs medical attention ashore. The ship is only a few hours from Bermuda when the request is made and details regarding the patient’s condition are passed to the hospital and Fire dispatch. Before arrival the ship requested a second patient was also taken ashore to hospital. Shortly after 4 pm both patients and members of the ships medical staff were inbound from the ship to Ordnance island onboard the pilot boat St David to rendezvous with a waiting ambulance.Date: 31/01/2025Friday 31st January 12:26 pm – RCC Bermuda received an EPIRB alert from a Bermuda programmed beacon, the beacon was registered to Fishing Vessel OCEAN DESIRE although the record had not been updated since 2012. Investigation found that the vessel had been sold several years ago. The position alerts were in the vicinity of Little Sound and South Shore but did not resolve to an exact location. RCC Bermuda broadcast a Pan-Pan urgency broadcast on VHF requesting further information and fisheries assisted by looking into the vessel history and contact details. There were no radar targets in the vicinity of the EPIRB alerts and Bermuda Radio were unable to locate the beacon or the beacon owner. Later that evening the case was suspended pending further information. The same beacon alerted again on the 6th of February with various alert positions around Bermuda, the beacon has not been located.